Australia's first Organisational Psychology-driven movement to promote cultural equity for Asian-Australians.

AAOP is a not-for-profit organisation run by a group of passionate psychologists. We nurture the next generation in the industry for a healthier and higher performing Asian-Australian community.

About Us


At our core we believe that a friendly, prosperous Australia is one in which everyone is welcomed regardless of what they look like and their ethnic and cultural background.

We recognise that Asian-Australians face unique challenges at work and in the community, and we draw on our lived experience and organisational psychology expertise to help them thrive.

We are a group of Asian-Australian psychologists who specialise in Organisational Psychology including areas such as leadership, wellbeing, performance.

We partner with a range of organisations and community groups, as well as other professionals to deliver targeted programs and initiatives to raise awareness, build capability and resilience, and bring about cultural change.

Our Vision

One day, all Asian-Australians will feel at home and thrive personally and professionally.

Our Mission

To elevate and leverage our Asian- Australian Organisational Psychology identity to serve Asian-Australians in our communities, so they can then optimise their potential.

What we do

Equal Representation

We challenge systemic discrimination and empower equal representation by enhancing Asian-Australian talent and leadership opportunity through targeted personal development and coaching interventions.


Promoting Well-being

We create psychologically safe spaces for open conversation, reflection, and skill development to promote individual wellbeing and work engagement through intervention and change. 



We facilitate community conversations that deepen personal connection with our diverse heritage through resilience, acceptance, and community awareness programs. 

Optimising Wellness

We advance community resilience and wellbeing through the design and facilitation of evidence based assessments, events, and workshops that leverage psychologically validated principles and research. 


Empowering Communities

We will facilitate community programs that enhance personal connection with our diverse cultural heritage to empower the next generation of Asian-Australian leaders with authenticity, identity and connection.

Why Asian-Australians?

We have a long-standing problem in our multicultural Australian society.

People are still being treated based on the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character. We recognise that in the case of Asian-Australians, they face unique inequities both at work and in our broader community.

Here are some truth for our collective realities.

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In order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications

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82% of Asian-Australians experienced some form of discrimination, highest of all identified ethnic groups


Culturally diverse leadership companies in the top quartile for diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above the national industry median.

We have therefore made it our mission to serve Asian-Australians in our communities, so they may then optimise their potential.


AAOP Mentoring Program

What is a mentoring program and what is the purpose?

A mentoring program allows participants to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding the professional barriers that they face or believe they will face, both from within their own culture and the dominant culture. It is about creating a key relationship that can support others. See the below video for more.

A mentor is someone who could support, encourage and guide a mentee by sharing knowledge and being a sounding board. 

A mentee is someone who is seeking to develop their career and professional development, and is open to receiving advice and guidance. 

Why is AAOP hosting a mentoring program?

As you may know, AAOP is a not-for-profit organisation run by a group of passionate psychologists. Our mission is to promote cultural equity for Asian-Australians (AAs) and other people of colour (POC). We aim to start with our own community of AAs and POC in the psychology profession. This program aims to nurture the next generation in the organisational psychology industry. Therefore, starting with AA’s and POC this program will help empower, connect and build capability for students and professionals within the field of organisational psychology.

  • A mentoring relationship is one of friendship. It is providing an opportunity for someone to reach out and provide advice and support. It is about open and authentic communication, encouragement, curiosity, openness and respect.

    This relationship, though, isn’t one way - in that it is not only an opportunity for the mentee to receive some advice, the mentor can also gain something from this relationship.

    The mentoring relationship is one of gratitude and repaying.

    Whilst we may pair the mentor and mentee, it is up to you to build that relationship and trust.

  • Organisational Psychology Masters student, recent graduates or early career psychologists

    Mentors will need to have a desire to contribute and support a mentee, and have the time to commit to several 1 hour meetings for the duration of the program.

    Participants are required to be an Asian Australian or person of colour to participate in the program with AAOP.

  • Undergraduate students studying psychology (including honours) with an interest in Organisational Psychology.

    Participants are required to be an Asian Australian or person of colour to participate in the program with AAOP.


The Latest

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Resilience Against Racism

We are proud to support the initiative Resilience Against Racism. Asian-Australians have experienced more racism since the COVID-19 pandemic started.  We work closely with our client organisations to deliver a range of resilience workshops in order to empower Asian-Australian communities to build personal, interpersonal and community resilience despite adversity.

Organisational Psychology Careers in Consulting

We had a wonderful time hosting our Organisational Psychology Careers in Consulting event!
For a recording please see link below!

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AAOP Survey

We have surveyed our immediate community on their thoughts and feelings related to being an Asian- Australian working or studying in Organisational Psychology. We found some interesting insights into their unique capabilities and challenges; and also discovered what their cultural background meant for them in this profession.

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‘‘…at the senior leadership level...there may still be a great deal of instinctive stereotyping about the qualities that Asian-Australians bring to (senior leadership) roles.’’

— The Hon Gareth Evans AC QC FASSA FAIIA