Using Organisational Psychology to promote cultural equity for Asian-Australians

AAOP is a not-for-profit organisation run by a group of passionate psychologists.

We nurture the next generation in the industry for a healthier and higher performing Asian-Australian community.

Ready to beat the bamboo ceiling?EmpowerAA coaching is here

Our Vision

One day, all Asian-Australians will feel at home and thrive personally and professionally.

Our Mission

To elevate and leverage our Asian- Australian Organisational Psychology identity to serve Asian-Australians in our communities, so they can then optimise their potential.

About Us

At our core we believe that a friendly, prosperous Australia is one in which everyone is welcomed regardless of what they look like and their ethnic and cultural background.

We recognise that Asian-Australians face unique challenges at work and in the community, and we draw on our lived experience and organisational psychology expertise to help them thrive.

We are a group of Asian-Australian psychologists who specialise in Organisational Psychology including areas such as leadership, wellbeing, and, performance.

We partner with a range of organisations and community groups, as well as other professionals to deliver targeted programs and initiatives to raise awareness, build capability and resilience, and, bring about cultural change.

In order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications.

What is Org Psych?

Organisational psychology, also known as industrial-organisational psychology is the fastest-growing field of psychology.

It is a field that delves into the intersection of human behaviour and organisational systems.

It focuses on understanding and improving the functioning of individuals, teams, and entire organisations to enhance productivity, well-being, and overall effectiveness.

To achieve this, organisational psychologists use scientific rigour, psychological methodologies and business insights across key areas such as employee selection and recruitment, training and development, performance management, leadership, work motivation, and workplace diversity.

Why Asian-Australians?

We have a long-standing problem in our multicultural Australian society.

People are still being treated based on the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character. We recognise that in the case of Asian-Australians, they face unique inequities both at work and in our broader community.

Here are some truth for our collective realities.

82% of Asian-Australians experienced some form of discrimination, highest of all identified ethnic groups.

Culturally diverse leadership companies in the top quartile for diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above the national industry median.

We have therefore made it our mission to serve Asian-Australians in our communities, so they may then optimise their potential.

What does AAOP offer?

Career Coaching

We utilise our Workplace Experience model to provide tailored coaching services with a cultural lens, to help you achieve your career goals and improve well-being.

Organisational Support

We can support organisations, community leaders, and industry providers to upskill their cultural competencies.

Community Workshops

We collaborate with local councils to conduct workshops to help the local community members develop personal cultural awareness and share individual stories as Asians in Australia.

Asian Australian Work Model

The AAOP Work Experience Model is a conceptual model that seeks to build awareness of the unique qualities of Asian Australians.


We run yearly career networking meet-ups with the AAOP community in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth.

Thought Leadership

AAOP strives to be a pioneer in the organisation psychology field, centering Asian-Australian voices and experiences.